
Une minute de lecture

His right wing was crumpled. My eyes couldn't see it, but it still was obvious.

Should I kill her ?

My heart shivers. I'm begging it to calm down but it won't. I know it's gonna explode soon.

Should I kill her ? It might be the only right choice.

His wing was crumpled. But my hands... I couldn't help him. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Shut up, will you ? Just shut up !

Please don't fall down now ! My cliff... my beautiful impassable stone wall. Stay with me a bit longer. You need to protect him from me.

She doesn't exist. She's a fabricated image. Born in my head because of words and stories.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm gonna shut up, I swear.

Don't talk to him ! He'll feel you through me ! Oh my, please... don't talk to him. Don't look at him !

I'm so scared.

We're too clumsy. Every 'her' in my soul is clumsy.

I'm so scared.

Should I just kill her ? How ?

He's so beautiful. My light wants to touch his.

We have no light. We're a clumsy dying firefly. Clumsy... clumsy. CLUMSY !

I understand. I'm not even alowed to see the wings, right ?

Should I try again ?

My heart wants to cry.

I know.

But it's just melting.

Let it melt. The wings will get better without our help.

It's fine...

Yes. It is. It is. Go to sleep now. Bring back the peace.

Bring back the...



Ce chapitre compte 6 versions.

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