my group

Une minute de lecture

I've always been a part of a group.

Since my youngest age, i remember shared my lunch with the others at the kid's table. then, i grew up and passed my days with a few friends after school sometimes.

Nowadays, even if students have to regroup with their classmates for what some people keep calling a "stupid group project" i just realize, after taking a while to think about this topic that it's much more than what it's looks like.

I never considered myself as an extrovert, it's easy to judge people at the first view. In fact, I'm not really sure of who i am or who i want to be and the idea of socialize with people of my class scared me, litterally.

I appreciate the feeling of being alone, i enjoy it in the way of i was the only one who could blame me if i did wrong or if a mistake would appears in my homework. Moreover, i'm not the kind of person who dare speaks in order to make some suggestions in front of an intimidating teenage.

Nevertheless, at my biggest surprise, i remembered that pros and cons are constantly present in any situations, including this one. I was so afraid that i forgot the most important: the diversity.

In consequence, even if some individuals can't smell each others, most of the time it represents a major asset in the life, not only thanks to the diversity of opinions but also thanks to the different points of view, i've also learned that my reasoning couldn't be necesserally the right.

Every group i've been in has made me grow up by conditioning myself to society's life. What's more, between us, some of my actual friends come from group project at least.

that's why i'm grateful to this school system.



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