Global Warming it is :

2 minutes de lecture

Dear Brother,

Yesterday, you were asking: "What is global warming ?"

Incapable to answer properly, I let mum do it. She explained the scientist thing. I don't know if you understood, but it stopped me from sleeping. Is this how the adults see the threat ? Absurd.

Let me show you the disaster throught my eyes, throught the youth's eyes.

Global Warming, with a big G, with a big W, is first, the adults's inaction.

Then, it's the incompetent government who cannot recognise it's mistakes.

It's the imbecility to reject the fault on everyone's back but ourselves.

It's big companies who refuse to see things sustainably.

It's adults who deny the threat, rising their children in the principle that they have to stay in their comfort zone.

It's these same children who don't see how heavy their carbon footprint is.

These children, who, once became teenagers, students, choose to act, to express their anger.

There are five steps for grief.






Denial. Anger.

We are right in the midlle of our planet's grief.

If you could save a life, would you do it, little brother ?

People always answer yes to this question. But how many associate act to speech ?

Global Warming, little brother, is the laziness in wich the world is stuck for so long already et who continues spreading like poison. And some people help it with their bile.

There's irony in it, I think. Humans are affraid of death. But they're actually relieved when we tell them about dying before earth. Because, obviously, all those adults you hear denigrate the "ecologists", as they call us, will be dead in 2050, when climate will have rise by four degrees. They don't even have the decency to let a clean and workable legacy to their descent.

Now, from march 15, this descent they love so much, won't go to school on fridays anymore, letting down this education sooo important to our futur, they say. But what futur ? If they do nothing, we won't have one !

I apologize if I scared you, but the truth is hard. The world is dying and we must do something to prevent this. Us, the youth, we have the duty to force those who can do a big change to take their responsabilities.

Little brother. Will you go down in the street with me ? Will you join me every friday in order to take back our fate from the Parques ? Will you walk with me ? Will you help saving, not only one, but billiars of lives ?

I'm begging you, little brother, don't be accused of non-assistance to planet in danger !



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