Chapter 5 : The 1ST Tsunami :

2 minutes de lecture

. The Morning...

- Henry : Good morning everyone!

- Tom : It's pretty rainy outside..

- Riley : Yes, it is.

- Bob : Good morning guys! Did you all get some rest?

- Riley : We saw a ghost last night and he wasn't too happy with us...

- Bob : A ghost?! Ha! Ghosts aren't real!

- Henry : But we did see him!

- Mrs. Anderson : The ghost told us not to mess around with island's ressources.

- Bob : Oh, come on, you must have been dreaming.

* Aaron's thinking : It looks like Bob is hiding something from us... *

- Bob : Let's have some breakfest!

- Mr. Anderson : We can't stay in this island Bob!

- Bob : We should get more food later, I'm going to try and think of a way for us to get out of here. You guys can go around and explore if you want...

_ Looks like it's getting stormy out there, be careful children!

- Mrs. Anderson : Accompany them Aaron.

. There was an alley in the giant rocks that we could go on.

- Tom : A cave!

- Aaron : Cool!

- Bob : We ran out of food, we're gonna have to get more, otherwise, we can't survive! Children, pick double more food so we have enough for the next days.

. Aaron saw another letter stuck on a rock.


. If you find the fire scroll, take it to the statue... But be careful!


- Aaron : Go get food and hide my absence, i'll be back in two minutes.

- Riley : But why?

- Aaron : No talking! Just go!

. A big statue stood in front of Aaron, made entirely of rocks.

- Aaron : This statue really looks like this ghost.

- Bob : Great job guys, we got a ton of food to eat!

_ It's been raining quite heavily..

_ Uhh- what was that noise ?...


- Mr. Anderson : WHAT ?!

- Mrs. Anderson : OMG!

- Aaron : Let's go the lighthouse!

- Bob : Is everyone alright?

- Mrs. Anderson : Yes! Oof-..

- Mr. Anderson : That was a close one!

- Bob : We're going to have to stay on a high ground until the flood goes away...

. The flood was gone and night has fallen..

- Bob : I'm going to sleep, good night guys!

* Aaron's Thinking : I think Bob is up to something... *

. But this night too, the ghost reappeared.

- Ghost : I warned you about messing with island's ressources...

- Mrs. Anderson : But we just followed what Bob told us to do!

- Ghost : It doesn't matter! You're gonna regret what you did!

. And he disappeared again..

- Tom : Mom, i'm scared!

- Mrs. Anderson : Don't worry my dear, don't worry...

- Henry : We need to listen to what the ghost says!

- Riley : Yeah, we need to! He will warm us if we don't!

- Mrs. Anderson : Wait, we can just call help with our phones!

_ Uh oh.. I forgot my phone in the boat...

- Mr. Anderson : And mine have no battery anymore.. Okay, time to sleep children. We will talk about this tomorrow...



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