
Une minute de lecture

I go outside in the rain

Hours that I wander

But I can't find you

I've waited so long for this moment

But I can't find you

What to do with a heart punctured by anger

All I have to offer you is my disappointment

I turn around

I scream my pain

But as usual nothing comes out

Not a tear, not a gaunt sigh

Even my gaze is extinguished

I can't find you

Where did you go ?

Why am I unable to feel what I once abused?

Can we get tired of love?

Can we get tired of love?

Can we get tired of love?

I go outside in the rain

Hours that I wander

But I can't find you

I've waited so long for this moment

But I can't find you

A feeling in the evening

A game of long-pressed gaze

A sentence that intensifies the beating of the heart

A delicate attention

A smile

All this is nothing

A moment of passionate sweetness

All this is not love

What is love ?

What is love ?

I go outside in the rain

Hours that I wander

But I can't find you

I've waited so long for this moment

But I can't find you



Ce chapitre compte 1 versions.

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