Chapter 10 - Mr. Washington

4 minutes de lecture

— Welcome to Harvey Benjamin High School for this new school year. I am delighted to welcome you today.

The man at the microphone began to back and forth from right to left of the stage.

— For the new ones who don't know me yet, I'm Mr. Washington, your principal. And behind me are the teachers who will teach you this year.

Thomas looked at the row of professors, seated a few feet behind Mr. Washington. Their serious attitude, feet aimed at the ground or crossed legs, denoted in relation to the relaxation displayed by the principal.

— High school is an important stage in your life. This is where you will probably have your best memories.

Thomas’s gaze lit up when he heard those words.

— But high school is also a pivotal moment in your education, and it is a passage that should not be overlooked. Excellence and individual achievement was what drove Harvey Benjamin decades ago. That’s why again this year, on behalf of this school, I am delighted to welcome new students from all over the world.

Thomas realized at that moment that he was not the only foreign student, which tended to reassure him. He probably wouldn't be the only one lost in this jungle that is high school, but he had Alicia by his side.

— Your timetables were sent to you last week by post. Think about finding your way now, and remember that the student office is on hand to help you. I will now give the floor to Jim Buck, the president of the final year students.

A student then rose from the audience and walked towards the stage. When he came up to Thomas, he noticed his build and tall build.

— He’s the senior year president, Alicia whispered. He is also one of the most popular students in high school and the best basketball player on our team.

Jim walked up the steps to the stage and quickly found himself next to Mr. Washington. The height difference between him and the principal made him all the more impressive.

— Hi Panthers, cried Jim. How are you today ?

The audience responded warmly to his question with an intense mixture of applause and shouting.

— As you know, our team almost won the championship last season. This year we want the trophy but we lost a few teammates who left for college. So don't hesitate to apply for our recruiting campaign this afternoon. Newcomers are obviously welcome.

Mr. Washington cleared his throat and motioned for Jim to continue.

— But there are plenty of other clubs that will be delighted to welcome you as well, so I invite you all to come by the gym this afternoon to sign up for the activity that interests you. Thank you all for listening to me.

Jim then handed the microphone to Mr. Washington and sat down in his place.

— Thank you Mr. Buck, said the principal. This week is an opportunity for everyone to meet again, meet, and prepare for a year that promises to be busy. You have already chosen your options in addition to the core curriculum, so all you have to do is choose, as Mr. Buck said so well, a sporting or cultural activity that will punctuate your next afternoons.

Thomas had easily picked his options out of the wide choice available to him, but he had no idea what sporting or cultural activity he was going to take up.

— Before leaving the floor to your teachers, I would like to remind you of the main events of this year. First of all, you are all invited to the gym on Friday night for the homecoming ball. I will ask you to come well dressed. As usual, there is no set theme so the choice is up to your imagination. Details will be posted in the main hall tomorrow.

Mr. Washington’s oral was fascinating. To trample on the stage and to move his left hand, remained free, he had a certain presence. The words he used were welcoming, but spoken in a tone that sometimes knew how to be serious.

— Our basketball team will have the chance to compete in the top division of the high school championship for the third consecutive time this year. With a little luck and a lot of results, I'm sure she can still reach the final. Also of note is our high school's participation in the Florida High School Eloquence Contest for the first time this year. The opportunity to show that here, our minds are as sharp as our bodies.

Mr. Washington broke into a smile, visibly delighted by the little phrase he had just said, then resumed his speech.

— Of course, our year will end with the traditional prom, the theme of which will be revealed in the second semester. I think I've told you everything, so I'll turn it over to your teachers. Welcome back everyone !

Mr. Washington then walked over to a professor in a long skirt and yellow blouse, gave her the microphone, then came to sit in a vacant chair. She mentioned the subject she taught, the different specificities that her teaching entailed, like the principal a good start to the school year, then passed the microphone to her neighbor. The professors took turns in their speeches, sometimes managing to capture the attention of Thomas who was not used to a long presentation like this. In France, the teacher introduced himself during the first day of class, but only did so to these students, in small groups.

After all the teachers had spoken briefly, Mr. Washington ended the presentation and sent all the students back to the exit doors. Now it was time for Thomas to attend his first class, which he shared with Alicia, which others will not.

— Follow me, she said, stepping through one of the auditorium's two double doors.

— Where are we going ? Thomas asked.

— Room B22, Art of communication course.



Ce chapitre compte 1 versions.

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