Ten years went by so fast

Une minute de lecture

Ten years went by so fast

Now, they’re a part of the past

I should’ve known it’d never last

Sometimes, I like to look back

Then, I remember how fast it went, and I’m taken aback

Then, I remember that days lack

I know I won’t ever live these years again

Sometimes, I think about them with happiness, or with pain

How many years went by? Oh, at least ten

But I do remember

That I was happier

These ten years felt like one hour

Well, my memory might’ve tricked me into thinking

That I was happier, ten years ago, at the same hour in the evening

What I know, though, is that I didn’t know what I would be missing

Life might’ve been beautiful, ten years ago

In ten years, I’ll say the same thing, I know

And I’ll say the same thing when time will come for me to go

And, in ten years, I’ll remember

The poem I wrote, one night, in October…



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