And suddenly everything disappears

2 minutes de lecture

And suddenly everything disappears.
You took life for granted
Oh, what a mistake you've made
And now, you regret all the time you wasted
How many years were lost? More than one decade
Soon, they will close
The coffin upon your head
And, on it, I'll put a pink rose
Now that you're dead
Suddenly, everything fades to black
It will be the night forever, friend
You wish you could go back
And avoid your own end
Oh! You thought that you would be
Spared by this inevitable Death
But this moonlight you saw is the last one you'll ever see
You never thought you would ever take your last breath
Oh! I wonder how it feels
To see the whole world dissappear
Does it give you the chills?
Oh, it'll never be clear
For I'm alive, for now
And even though I know life isn't granted, friend
I still can't imagine saying goodbye, for now
No, even though I know I can't avoid the end
Oh! Yes, I'm alive and breathing
And you are lifeless and pale
Death seems so abstract, when you're living
And yet, life is so frail
The Grim Reaper walks by your side
Everytime, everyday
Everyone wants to avoid her; everybody tried
She never goes away
She grabs you by the arm
Oh, how does it feel? I wonder
But she means you no harm
It's her job, after all, and we shouldn't blame her
Everything fades
She takes you for a trip; it'll last for Eternity
She won't cut you with her blades
She has them for safety
Do you really think she enjoys
Taking strangers when they reach the grave?
Do you really think she has a choice?
Maybe she is the real slave
After all, life is transient and transitory
And Death is everlasting and perennial
The Grim Reaper lives for Eternity
Death is the only thing that is immortal
Oh! And my poem will probably
End up lost in time
For life is so deadly
Oh, what is a lifetime?
A lifetime is never enough, friend
Have fun while you still can
Before you meet Death; before the end
Sometimes, she doesn't wait for you to be an old man.
And suddenly everything disappears.



Ce chapitre compte 1 versions.

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