7 minutes de lecture

The stars lit one by one, like thousand little diamonds thrown on a deep blue veil. Night came always early on that season and that was another of its qualities. As he walked outside total silence surrounded him. The little birds he had heard earlier were already asleep, everything stood still in the garden and there was no one to be seen. He was walking towards the kitchen, since it was his turn to make dinner, when he heard a well-known voice.


He stopped without even turning and let his friend join him.

“What is it, Souji?”

“Where are you going?”

“Preparing the meal, obviously.”

“Really? Cause I just remembered you owe me a duel.”

“Can’t it wait? I have a task to fulfil.”

“No it can’t. Plus you said the same thing last time.”

“I don’t recall.”

“That’s no excuse. It was the other day, when I accepted to go twice around the town, first with my division and then with yours, because you had an ‘important mission’ and ‘couldn’t do’ your round.”

“If I hadn’t killed Sonoda, half of the captains would be dead, including you.”

“Allow me the benefit of the doubt.”

“Believe what suits you, I don’t care. Now, I have to make dinner.”

“Please, Hajime-kun. It won’t last long! Knowing your talent and my incredible skills it’ll be done within minutes.”

Saitō looked at him straight into the eyes and asked without hiding his annoyance:

“Souji, why do you always behave like a… child?”

Saying this last word, he seemed to realize something and sighed.

“Forget what I just said.”

“Will you accept, then?” insisted Okita with a wide smile.

His friend hesitated, glanced towards the kitchen, visualized how fast he’d cook after getting rid of this setback, then accepted with resignation.

“Five minutes, no more.”

“And no less!” added the other warrior.

They went to the dōjō and Okita took two bokken that looked like they had been left near the entrance. He handed one to Saitō who considered it with suspicion.

“Souji, had you prepared that?”

“Maybe…” he eluded with a smirk.

The youngest was reminded of several elements he had noticed during the day. He spoke again:

“Are you hiding something form me?”

“Not-at-all. Now, let the fight begin!”

He squared up, forcing his opponent to do the same, and attacked with a classical hit. The other dodged easily and responded with a quick strike. They exchanged blows at a high speed, trying to trick the other. At some point Saitō decided to go even faster, and after seeing Okita was following he suddenly slowed his attacks and used an unexpected combination. His weapon hit his adversary on the side and both stopped moving. The defeated stared at the wooden blade, unable to hide his surprise, then smiled and announced:


Saitō nodded and took the bokken to put them back in place. He made as if to leave but Okita called:

“Yare, yare, Hajime-kun, so eager to leave! The five minutes aren’t over!”

His friend, who had already his hand on the door, turned to him and asked:


“I counted, that’s why I lost by the way, and it’s only two minutes and thirty-five seconds. You can’t go right now if you want to honour your oath.”

“I’ve never sworn anything.”

“Your word.” corrected the other. “You said five minutes and we agreed on the ‘no less’”

“I’ve never said such a thing.”

“Anyway, we still have around two minutes.”

“Why does it matter so much?”


“You don’t even try to lie.”

Okita shrugged.

“Why are you acting so strangely?” continued his friend.

“I won’t tell you. Now, stop trying to gain time or I’ll add more minutes.”

“I don’t understand you. What do you want to do with those ninety seconds? Another duel?”

“Hundred and twenty. Our talk doesn’t count or it won’t be fun. I thought maybe you could teach me how to meditate.”

Saitō looked at him with disbelief. This utterly unexpected idea had caught him totally off-guard. Then he seemed to accept something was definitely wrong and answered:

“That’s not something one can teach in two minutes”

“Are you challenging me?”

The other captain wondered for a moment whether he war serious or joking again but gave up and remarked:

“You’re not the type who would learn that quickly.”

“What makes you say so?”

“Imagine if Shinpachi had asked me the same thing.”

“It pains me to see you value his capacities more than mine.” said Okita dramatically.

“Well he’s a fully grown man but seldom acts accordingly and you never left childhood.”

The warrior looked almost puzzled for one moment, then laughed.

“Be careful, I could repeat him what you said.”

“Which would prove me right.”

“Mayhap. Anyway, we’re almost forgetting our initial topic, and I won’t let you shirk your promise. We still have two minutes.”

The youngest stared briefly at him, his blue eyes not letting guess what he was thinking. Eventually he sighed again and joined his friend.

“Fine. Two minutes.”

They both sat in seiza in front of the other and closed their eyes. Saitō started explaining in his calm voice:

“You have to breathe deeply and progressively empty your mind. Don’t open your eyes.”

“How can you know?” smiled his comrade.

“I can feel your agitation pouring into this room.”

“Ouch, you’re quite straightforward.”

“Now stay silent and still. If you can.”

Okita acquiesced and started waiting. He was totally aware he couldn’t meditate but since it wasn’t really his goal, he didn’t try too hard. After some time, he discreetly opened his eyes to check if the other captain was still exercising his mind. He was quite impressed to see it was the case. The warrior wasn’t moving at all and his features were perfectly relaxed, only showing calm and concentration. He didn’t even notice his friend wasn’t exactly following his advice; or maybe he didn’t want to make another remark. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and said:

“I was right, you didn’t make much effort. How many of the minutes have passed?”

“I’d say twenty-six,” indicated the other without a hint of culpability, “but I may have forgotten one or two.”

“What? The vice-commander will be furious if the dinner isn’t ready, I must go.”

He stood up and exited the dōjō, followed by Okita. While they were quickly walking across the garden he added in a deadpan tone:

“And I hold you for responsible.”

“Ara, Hajime-kun, you’re being harsh!”

He didn’t answer and opened the shōji of the kitchen. The room was empty and perfectly tidy but a pleasant smell remained in the air. Bemused, Saitō muttered to himself:

“Is it possible someone has already prepared everything?”

He turned to his friend and noticed his mischievous expression.

“What do you know, Souji?”

“If you’ll follow me to the dining room, noble warrior.” he answered without explanation.

They started walking again and the eldest led his comrade to the other room. Light was coming from inside and they could hear indistinct chatter. It stopped when the first one opened the shōji. Saitō froze when he discovered what awaited him inside. A whole feast was ready and all the officers had gathered in the room. They smiled seeing his surprise and exclaimed:

“Happy birthday!”

At first he didn’t know how to react, but he suddenly understood why everything seemed so strange since the morning and smiled.

“He showed an expression!” laughed Nagakura.

“I must admit I had totally forgotten it was my birthday, so thank you everyone.”

“You’re welcome!” joked Okita. “I hope you understand I wasn’t to blame. And now, let’s go and sit. We’ve kept you the best place.”

Both entered the room and joined the cheerful gathering. The main guest spoke again:

“I recognize you played me a good trick, especially you, Souji.”

“Thanks, it was fun! You know, everyone had an idea but it was Sannan who organized everything.”

The secretary gave a small nod and Heisuke added enthusiastically:

“I cooked loads of tofu for you! And Sano-san chose the sake! Even Hijikata-san helped, he made castella!”

“Well,” spoke the vice-commander with embarrassment, “if Yamazaki hadn’t helped me, I’d have struggled a bit more…”

“I didn’t know I was able to bake cakes with that skill until now.” smiled the ninja.

They all laughed.

“In the end,” remarked Okita, “they left me the treacherous part. Shinpachi wouldn’t let me prepare the meal and he even asked Kondō-san instead of me.”

“You always put too much seasoning! Remember that western clergyman who tried to explain us his religion? He said something like we’re the salt of the earth. Well when you cook you take him too literally!”

Okita chuckled before announcing:

“Before we start, I have a message from the third division to their captain! They all wish you a happy birthday, Hajime-kun, and they’ve asked a special favour: since the weather allows it, we’re all invited to a snowball fight with them after dinner!”

Some of the officers manifested their approval with joyful exclamations. The commander waited for a bit of calm to come back and talked:

“I suggest we start eating while it’s still hot. Saitō, yours is the honour to give the signal!”

“Ha, Kyokuchō.”

He paused to look at everyone, then declared in a solemn voice:




Ce chapitre compte 2 versions.

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