Une minute de lecture

Everything seems so still…

He was looking at the cloudless sky, lots in his thoughts. Winter had always been his favourite season, nature fell asleep and the city itself looked as if it had come to a stop. Wherever he went he encountered peace, each landscape he saw quietly rested in a pure unity of snow and ice after the vivid autumn.


He turned and noticed Nagakura coming from the house.

“I knew I’d find you in the garden! Today is a beautiful day, ain’t it?”

“Indeed. Why were you looking for me, Shinpachi?”

“We have to train the recruits together, have you forgotten?”

“I’m coming.”

The two captains headed for the dōjō where a dozen of young soldiers were waiting for them. They started the lesson with some basic moves and the eldest one explained:

“You must repeat those a lot so that they become reflexes. You’ll soon discover that Saitō-sensei loves this type of exercises at an annoying level.”

The other officer didn’t react and they went on with the lesson. As he was practising, the left-handed warrior kept looking through the opened door. The early sunlight gave the white garden a magical atmosphere, reflecting on the stalactites before gently illuminating the plants covered in snow.

He noticed a group gathering near the cherry trees, at the other end of the yard. Okita, Harada and Tōdō seemed to discuss an important matter, and at some point the youngest one waved to Yamazaki who was passing by and joined their talk with the same serious air. Several minutes later, Hijikata went towards them but instead of sending back to their chores they all continued their conversation. Bemused, Saitō thought of asking them after the training if anything had happened. But then Okita noticed him and exchanged a look with the others. They parted, leaving the captain with his questions and a practice to finish.


“Yes, Shinpachi?”

“I think we’ve enough repeated the basics for today. Which exercise do you suggest next?”

“The kata from last time will do fine.”

“Shomen, tsuki or yokomen?”

“All three, in that order.”

“Okay, let’s go!”



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