BL 5

Une minute de lecture

I've been reading books

But not any books

Books that make you fall in love with love

Words that make your soul dance

Stories that make you want to take a chance

But books aren't reality

Books have a finale

That would leave my heart on hold

While painfully aware that it will never be for me

That nobody will ever look at me and suddenly think "wow who is she ?"

Books aren't reality

But why has my heart been in raptures ever since I met you?

I'm the writer but it's your words that make my soul dance

I'm the writer but you make my heart believe in love again

I don't want to be just another chapter in your story

Nor a simple footnote at the end of a summary

I want to be a whole volume of your serie

Or ideally the reason why you are writing the story



Ce chapitre compte 2 versions.

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