I'm afraid to disappoint you

Une minute de lecture

I'm afraid to disappoint you

because it's my first text that I'm designing

I wonder if I'll be up to it

And I'm also afraid of being called a liar

Because I have not much to tell

But all the same you can listen to me

it will make me a huge pleasure

And that will give me more desire

to think, and also to write

Maybe it will give me more facts to describe

Ah! How difficult it seems these texts of slam

I think those who do it have it deep in their souls

Because I try since to imitate them

But I see that I'm too limited

If and only if I managed to do like them

That is to say spread these words as a simple game

I would have been proud to boast of my talent for slam

And that would have been a great honor for me

Beh finally! Everyone has his little thing that determines him

So it's on this note that I'm finishing



Ce chapitre compte 1 versions.

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